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Poster: Greg Lindahl Date: Apr 2, 2007 5:51pm
Forum: texts Subject: Downloading metadata

Is there a way to download all the metadata from a collection in one go?

I have a script that walks a collection to get the individual foo_meta.xml files, but this is a waste of your bandwidth and my programming time.

As an example of this, Gutenberg has their entire collection's metadata at:

Why do I want this data? I process it to produce useful sub-lists of books related to my pre-1600 re-enactment hobby...

-- greg

Reply [edit]

Poster: Greg Lindahl Date: Apr 4, 2007 1:18pm
Forum: texts Subject: Re: Downloading metadata

And if you'd like to see the neat things I do with metadata:

I'd really like to go back and add metadata to the 10% of the books which don't have any LC subjects, generally because they don't have a MARC record in the metadata.

Reply [edit]

Poster: Greg Lindahl Date: May 14, 2007 1:10pm
Forum: texts Subject: Re: Downloading metadata

And to answer my own question:
